
We offer flexible pricing models to cater to your specific needs. Choose the plan that best suits your firm’s requirements:

One-Time Payment


  • Custom Quote Based on Your Requirements


  • Unlimited Use: Install the AI on your laptop or desktop for unlimited transcription.
  • One-Time Payment: No recurring fees, except for optional maintenance.
  • Maintenance Contract: Option to purchase a maintenance contract for updates and support.
  • High Accuracy: Up to 95% accurate transcriptions.
  • Secure & Confidential: Complete control over your data.

Ideal For:

  • Firms with high and consistent transcription needs.
  • Organizations preferring in-house solutions for greater control.

Additional Information

Maintenance Contract:

  • Ensure your AI transcription tool remains up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.
  • Get ongoing support for any technical issues.

Reserve Your Spot for a Demo:

  • Interested in seeing how our AI transcription tools can transform your practice? Reserve a spot for an exclusive demo to experience firsthand the benefits and capabilities.

Pay Per Hour


  • From USD 10 per hour of audio/video


  • Flexible & Cost-Effective: Pay as you go, with no long-term commitments.
  • Quick Turnaround: Transcriptions delivered within 24 hours (typically within a few hours).
  • Accurate & Reliable: Up to 95% accurate transcriptions.
  • Secure & Confidential: Your data is handled with the utmost security and privacy.

Ideal For:

  • Firms with variable transcription needs.
  • Projects with fluctuating workloads.

Contact Us for more information on the Pay per Hour transcription service.

Success Stories

To see how other firms have benefited from our AI transcription tools, please visit our Success Stories.

Why Choose TranscribeCube?

  • Advanced AI Technology: Cutting-edge AI designed to meet the rigorous demands of the legal industry.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to use, with minimal training required.
  • Scalable Solutions: Whether you have a small firm or a large organization, our solutions scale to meet your needs.